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Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Real PC

I got sworn in yesterday morning in Chisinau so I am officially a PC volunteer. We spent the afternoon in info sessions and negotiating contracts then I was off to my permanent site. A little over 2 hour car ride later and I was home.

This is where the real PC experience begins. We were spoiled in our training site; short bus ride to Chisinau, living with 14 other Americans in your village, and having a defined schedule. All of that is gone. The closet American is 15-20 km away which isn't that far if we could drive but there will be one in my village starting the 18th. Problems I never had to deal with at training site are now real problems: speaking the language, loneliness, and being far from the capital. Relearning bus schedules, getting to know my new community and making new friends will take priority the next few months as I better learn the language and better understand the needs of the community.

Now is the time when things get real. I start work Monday and still don't have the greatest grasp of the language. My understanding is getting much better yet my speaking ability hasn't improved much. All of this will come with time.

1 comment:

  1. Aw this means you couldn't sleep last night :(
    While it's hard for me to fully understand how you feel right now, I can try to do my best! In 2 weeks we will be just an hour from each other, you'll have Mandy at your site, and you'll even be speaking the language much better as long as your meeting with the tutor goes well.

    Congrats on becoming an official PCV. You're one step ahead of the game-

    See you as soon as I can... keep your chin up (even though it's already higher than mine... make it even higher hehehe).
